Question Title

* 1. Would you prefer Rumaki Reo to English Medium?

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* 2. What Iwi do you and your whānau whakapapa to?

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* 3. Would you like your child to learn tikanga Māori and Tūwharetoa kawa in everyday instruction?

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* 4. What ages are your children that you would like to move from English Medium to Rumakii Reo?

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* 5. How important is it that your child/children are taught from Māori knowledge, language and culture? Please explain

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* 6. What level of language would you be comfortable for your child to learn from?

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* 7. How will the child/ children be supported at home? (with Te reo Māori me ōna tikanga)

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* 8. The whānau will be expected to attend whānau hui and Kaupapa, is this understood and agreed upon?

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* 9. How important is it to have teaching staff that are of Māori desent? How important is it that Kaiako are tangata whenua (Tūwharetoa decent)

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* 10. How important is it that Kaiako and support staff can speak fluent Māori and are strong in their culture?

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100% of survey complete.