The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is currently conducting the quadrennial Federal Certification Review of the Genesee Transportation Council (GTC).  We are very interested in hearing from you on how the Transportation Planning Process is being conducted in the Genesee-Finger Lake Metropolitan Area. 

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), in accordance with 23 USC 134 (k)(5)(A)(i) and 49 USC 5303 (k) (5)(A)(i)(e), must certify that the metropolitan planning process conducted by GTC is being carried out in accordance with applicable provisions of Federal law not less often than once every four years.

The primary purpose of the certification review is to ensure that the required planning activities of 23 USC 134 and 49 USC 5303 are being satisfactorily implemented by GTC.  FHWA and FTA are accepting written comments from the public through the form below on GTC’s implementation of the federal transportation planning process through March 25th, 2021. 

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* 1. From your perspective, how well do you understand GTC's role in the Region and GTC transportation planning process ?

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* 2. From your perspective, how well is the GTC transportation planning process working to effectively improve transportation in the Region?

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* 3. Are there opportunities for you to provide input on transportation issues and plans, such as the long-range transportation plan and other studies and issues?

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* 4. Are there opportunities for people of all ages, abilities, incomes, and races to provide equal access and opportunity for input in the transportation planning process?

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* 5. What are some things that work well and what areas do you think can be improved?