Your feedback is really important to us.

This survey takes about 5 minutes.

Question Title

* Name of the person providing feedback:

Question Title

* Which of the following categories best describes your agency?

Question Title


Preparation for Conference.
Were you given a reading (report) pack on arrival at reception? 

Question Title


Did reception ask you to sign in before providing your reading (report) pack? 

Question Title


How appropriate were the arrangements for reading confidential documents?
1 - 10 where 1 is unsatisfactory and 10 is outstanding.

Question Title


Did the social worker give sufficient notification of the arrangements for Conference?
1 - 10 where 1 is unsatisfactory and 10 is outstanding.

Question Title

* During Conference.
Were the risks / issues identified within your assessment adequately addressed within conference?
1- 10 stars where 1 is not at all & 10 is full addressed & helpfully extended. 

Question Title

* Did the Chair engage the family members and enable them to fully contribute?
1 - 10 stars where 1 is not at all and 10 is the family were fully involved throughout. 

Question Title

* Did the Reviewing Officer enable the child/young person to participate and/or ensure a focus on their views & experience?
1 - 10 stars where 1 is not at all and 10 is fully involved throughout. 

Question Title

* Did the Reviewing Officer engage all professionals presents and enable them to fully contribute?
1 - 10 stars where 1 is not at all and 10 is fully involved throughout. 

Question Title

* Did the plan developed during conference address all the necessary issues / areas of concern?
1 - 10 stars where 1 is not at all and 10 is fully involved / considered throughout. 

Question Title

* Did the Chair allocate the right amount of time to the various aspects of the agenda?
1 - 10 stars where 1 is very poor and 10 is just right. 

Question Title

* Anything else you would like to comment on?

Almost done. Next we'd like to understand period covered and any officer specific information. Please click 'Next'.

Question Title


Please use the slider to show your experience of the Reviewing Officers / (Safeguarding and Review) service.

1. Totally dissatisfied. 5. Moderately satisfied. 10. Completely satisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.