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The Thinking Ahead Programme (TAP) is an eight week online programme for people living with incurable cancer and their family members, which runs collaboratively across four hospital trusts in West Yorkshire and Harrogate. The programme supports people’s quality of life and wellbeing; helps them to manage emotions and uncertainty, sort financial affairs, manage symptoms and cancer progression, and have important conversations about end of life and Advance Care Planning.

We are looking to improve and develop the TAP, raise awareness of the programme, look at adaptions and hopefully roll it out regionally and nationally. Professionals working in all contexts to support people affected by cancer and other long term conditions, as well as patients and family members, have a crucial role to play in making suggestions and recommendations for the development of the TAP. We would be very grateful if you could please share your thoughts by completing this questionnaire.

Many thanks for your time and help.

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* 1. Are you a cancer patient, family member or professional?

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* 2. Have you heard of the Thinking Ahead Programme before now?

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* 3. If you or a family member were diagnosed with incurable cancer or another life limiting illness – would an eight week course to help you support yourself, manage symptoms and uncertainty, and plan ahead for the end of life – be helpful?

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* 4. We know this can be a difficult course for people to join due to some sensitive content and early conversations around planning for end of life. What would encourage you/your patients to join such a programme? What would put you/them off?

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* 5. What would be your suggestions for important topics to be included in the TAP? What would you like to learn about if you attended?

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* 6. If the TAP was not available, where would you/your patients go for information and support?

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* 7. How and where should the course be run? And who by?

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* 8. Where should the course be run?

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* 9. Who should run the course?

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* 10. How could the programme be promoted more widely to raise awareness of this support being available?

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* 11. How could we adapt this programme for people who have English as a second language or for people with learning difficulties?

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* 12. Would you pay to attend this programme?

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* 13. Do you have any other suggestions for how we can make this the best possible programme to support people with incurable cancer, as well as their families?

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* 14. TAP could potentially be adapted for people with life limiting conditions, other than cancer. Which patient groups could benefit and what advice would you give as we consider adaptations for people with other long term conditions?

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* 15. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?

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* 16. If you would like to be involved further in the project to improve and develop the Thinking Ahead Programme, please share your name and contact details below. Otherwise please leave this blank.

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