Your Successful Life Survey

Hello and welcome to your new life!  We invite you to take a few moments to complete our quiz and find out your wellness score.  Enjoy!

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* 1. How would you rate your ability to achieve your goals?

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* 2. Would you consider yourself spiritual?

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* 3. How would you rate your emotional/mental state?

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* 4. How would you rate your stress levels?

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* 5. Based on your stress levels, how do you tend to feel when stressed?  Choose the most frequent mood state.

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* 6. How would you rate your sleep?

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* 7. How would you describe your physical activity and energy levels?

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* 8. How would you rate your finances?

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* 9.
At the end of a week, how do you feel?

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* 10. Thank you for completing our survey.  We would like to offer you a free consultation with our CEO Darren Deosaran to review your answers. Please complete the fields below. Responses will be within 48 hours. Wishing you a wonderful day!