PA TIMES Online is accepting columnist applications for July-December 2024; authors are expected to write monthly columns (a total of six) if accepted.

Authors should be submitting original content for publication on our website. You may submit articles to other publications for reprint but we require you to note original publication through when doing so.

Please note: Failure to fill out a complete application (including a sample column) will result in your application being discarded. Writing samples should be no more than 950 words, matching the length of the columns you'd be called to provide if we accept your application. If you have questions, please contact for clarification.

By completing this form, you are agreeing to be an author for the term assigned, if assigned; failure to write your columns will mean you will not be accepted as an author in the future.

PA TIMES editorial staff will contact accepted authors between by June 28, 2024. We do not contact applicants who are not accepted for a columnist role. If you wish to withdraw your application at any time, contact

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* 1. Name and Address

Question Title

* 2. Do you serve as a columnist for anyone else?

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* 3. If yes, please indicate the publication(s):

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* 4. Please indicate the public administration topics you will examine in your articles, particularly whether they fit into ASPA's areas of focus (infrastructure, public finance, public service and social equity).

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* 5. Please upload a sample column for our consideration.

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