Exit Scrayingham Parish Council Question Title * 1. Are you happy with the service that your Parish Council provides and the amount of progress updates given? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Do you feel that there is enough opportunity for you to have a say and to raise questions? (Choose one) Yes No Question Title * 3. Which of the following areas are of highest importance to you personally? (Choose your top 3) Speeding Flooding/ drainage Facilities (benches, bus shelters, dog bins) Medical (first aid training and defibs) Street lighting Road user safety (potholes, hedges, gritting) Public info (road closures notification etc) Events Planning Litter issues Parking issues Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How could the website be improved? Question Title * 5. Where would you like to see more time, effort and money be spent this coming year? Do you have any improvement suggestions? Question Title * 6. Any other feedback or concerns? Anything that you would not like to see happen in your village? Done