Student Exit Survey

Thank you for taking a few minutes to fill out and return this form. Your feedback is very important to us. We value the members of our PCS community and seek to serve PCS students and their families in the best way possible; the information you provide will be used for that purpose.”

Question Title

* 1. Student Last Name

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* 2. Student First Name

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* 3. Student's Current Grade

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* 4. Name of school student is transferring to:

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* 5. Last Date of Enrollment at PCS


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* 6. To what extend were each of the following factors in your decision to leave PCS?

  Not a factor at all somewhat of a factor in decision factored into the decision highly relevant factor in decision to leave
Lack of Support and communication from teachers
Homework load too heavy
Academics too difficult
Too many AP classes required
Stress level too high for student
Concern about GPA for college admission
Commute distance to school too far
Lack of flexibility in class choices
Lack of choices of sports
Lack of social connection
Financial donation request
Parent volunteer hour request
Lack of diversity( student diversity, ethic, or socio-economic)
Not on track to graduate

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* 7. Other (please specify)

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* 8. PCS is not a good fit because:

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* 9. Please use the space below to give us any comments or suggestions that you may feel benefit PCS students and families.

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* 10. Parent Name:

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* 11. Would you be willing to be contacted by PCS for more clarity regarding your decision to leave?

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* 12. If the answer above was Yes, please provide your preferred contact phone number or email.