Safe Use of Chemicals Safe Use of Chemicals Assessment Question Title * 1. Name OK Question Title * 2. Date Today's date Date OK Question Title * 3. What does SDS stand for? a) Safe Dilution Standard b) Safety Data Sheet c) Standard Drink Size d) Safety Dilution Sheet OK Question Title * 4. Who is responsible for safety? a) Co-workers b) The manager c) You d) All of the above OK Question Title * 5. What ways can you be exposed to chemicals? a) Through inhalation, absorption or ingestion b) When eating, smoking, or dispensing cleaning products c) Inhalation only d) Absorption, eye contact, or spilling it on you OK Question Title * 6. PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment. Which from the selection below is a PPE? a) Goggles and safety glasses b) Gloves c) Aprons d) All of the above OK Question Title * 7. Does an SDS contain first aid and other emergency information? a) TRUE b) FALSE OK Question Title * 8. You have just spilled a corrosive product on your skin and you need to wash it away with copious amounts of clean, cold water. What is the minimum time of continuous washing you will need to do? a) 31 minutes b) Maybe 20 minutes c) A minimum of 15 minutes d) 10 minutes is enough OK Question Title * 9. When should you wear your PPE? a) Only if others are watching b) Only if they showed during at training c) Only if its new and clean d) Always when you are working with cleaning chemicals. You should treat all chemicals as potentially hazardous. OK Question Title * 10. To dilute a cleaning product where no dispenser is available, pour water into a bucket then add the cleaning product. a) TRUE b) FALSE OK Question Title * 11. When is it safe to mix chemicals together? a) Whenever you think it is safe b) If your co-worker tells you it is ok c) If you think it will make it a more effective cleaning solution d) You should never mix chemicals together OK Question Title * 12. In the event of an emergency, I should report it to a supervisor and refer to the SDS on how to respond. a) TRUE b) FALSE OK Question Title * 13. If you see a co-worker using a chemical without their PPE what should you do? a) Ignore it, it is not any of my business b) Tell the other co-workers how silly that person is c) Yell at them d) Speak to your co-worker immediately, explain the correct PPE to use and show them the SDS so they can read it OK Question Title * 14. A product that is classified as corrosive … a) Can catch fire easily and burns quickly b) Can cause chemical changes when mixed with certain substances c) Can react violently with combustible materials d) Can cause sever chemical burns to the skin, eyes and other living tissue OK Question Title * 15. Before using any cleaning products you should … a) Try it full strength to see if it gets the job done faster b) Check with co-workers because you think they have used this product before c) Follow the manufacturer’s instructions d) Go ahead and get the job done, if anything goes wrong then check with your manager OK Question Title * 16. Which of the following is the employer’s responsibility? a) Identify any hazardous substances used and include these in a register b) Ensue all SDSs are on hand for all employees and contractors c) Consult with employees and provide safety training d) All of the above OK Question Title * 17. Which of the following is the employee’s (YOUR) responsibility? a) To co-operate with the employee in all aspects of health and safety b) Use the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly c) Read the SDSs and know the chemicals you are using d) All of the above OK Question Title * 18. Which class of chemicals belongs to the dangerous goods classification? a) Flammable liquid b) Corrosive c) Oxidising agents d) All of the above OK Question Title * 19. If there is no label on a container you should … a) Smell it to check what it is b) Taste it to check what it is c) Ask your colleague what they think d) Not use it and inform your manager OK Question Title * 20. If you are not sure how to use a product you should … a) Use it anyway and see what happens b) Use another product that you think might work c) Ask a co-worker, maybe they have used it before d) Do not use it until you have read the SDS and received some training OK Question Title * 21. Should you clean up a minor chemical spill? a) Yes, straight away if it is practical and safe to do so b) No, get your manager c) No, all spills must first be recorded on an Incident Report d) No, someone else needs to do it OK Question Title * 22. If a chemical comes into contact with your skin, you should … a) Wash it off immediately with clean water b) Wash it off when you get home c) Wash it off only if it starts to burn d) Tell your manager and fill in the Incident Report before rinsing OK DONE