Project Ho'oku'i VI Internship Post-Survey

1.What is your name?(Required.)
2.What is your current grade level?(Required.)
3.Where was your internship?(Required.)
4.What was the name of your supervisor/mentor?(Required.)
5.Now that your internship is complete, what areas do you think it fulfilled for you? (Check all that apply.)(Required.)
6.Do you think becoming a student participant in Project Ho'oku'i helped you prepare for your career?(Required.)
7.Did participating in Project Ho'oku'i strengthen your sense of BREATH? (check all that apply):
8.If you checked one or more of the previous boxes, please share what component of your internship strengthened your sense of BREATH (ie. a student support resource, learning opportunity, specific work experience, etc.)
9.Do you think engaging in the Project Ho'oku'i internship program increased your engagement with community?(Required.)
10.Do you think the Project Ho'oku'i internship contributed to your growth and maturity?
11.In your own words, describe what you gained through the Project Ho'oku'i internship experience.
12.Please share ways you think Project Ho'oku'i could improve this internship experience for future students.