Who needs a card:
- Only players/coaching staff participating in out-of-town tournaments (U9-U19) or provincials (U15-U19) that do not have another form of photo identification with birthdate (passport, driver's license, other sport ID card, school-issued ID card).
Who does NOT need a card:
- ID cards are not necessary for Saskatoon youth league games.
- Out-of-town teams that are playing in the SYSI League (i.e: VSA) which belong to another SSA Member Organization
- Those not listed on the team rosters.
- Teams who are not participating in any out-of-town tournaments or provincials. 
Getting an ID card ~ cost $20.00 per ID card. 
To request a player/coach ID, submit your request via the player ID card.
Requests are due at the start of the week Monday @ 4:30 PM and will be ready the following Friday for pick-up during office hours 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM. You must have your request including the required documents provided by Monday @ 4:30 PM, for the card to be ready by Friday of the same week. Requests received on a Tues or later in the week may not be ready within the same week on Friday. Payment can be made by cash when picking up the card or by e-transfer to executivedircetor@saskatoonyouthsoccer.ca. Cheques will not be accepted for ID card payment and we are not set up to accept in-person credit or debit card payments.

Question Title

* 1. Coach or Player Full Name (First/Last Name):

Question Title

* 2. Date of Birth (DD-Mon-YYYY):

Question Title

* 3. Contact Email:

Question Title

* 4. Contact Ph Number:

Question Title

* 5. Proof of Identification

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

Question Title

* 6. Photo of Player or Coach

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.