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Given the limited number of tickets available and high interest in this event, we are currently accepting requests for tickets only. Tickets are $300 each including a $50 Science World donation! Please indicate how many tickets you would like to request for the 2021 TIAs which will be held on Nov 18th at Science World. Note that all requests will be processed in due course and tickets released for purchase at a later date. This form does not guarantee ticketing for the event.

Question Title

* 1. First Name:

Question Title

* 2. Last Name:

Question Title

* 3. Email Address:

Question Title

* 4. Title:

Question Title

* 5. Company:

Question Title

* 7. Check any or all of the following that apply to your request:

Question Title

* 8. By order of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), proof of vaccination is required to access this event. By checking this box, you understand that to attend the 2021 Technology Impact Awards, attendees must be fully vaccinated (2 doses) and will be required to present proof of vaccination in the form of a BC Vaccine Card and a piece of valid government photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport, etc).

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