Hello! Thank you for thinking about joining our research project. New Disabled South is studying the experiences of people on the waitlist for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) in South Carolina. We want to learn about the challenges people with disabilities face in getting these services. We will do in-depth interviews over Zoom to gather this information.

The in-depth interviews will last about 1 hour. As a thank you for your valuable contributions, you will receive a $100 Virtual Visa gift card.

Taking part in this study is completely your choice.

This form shows you are interested in taking part in the in-depth interviews. If too many people sign up, we will only choose some of them to participate. If you are chosen, we will email you more details.

*New Disabled South is an independent organizations and are not affiliated with any companies.

New Disabled South website: https://www.newdisabledsouth.org/