Please answer the following questions

Question Title

* 1. Please enter the name of your course:

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your teacher's last name:

Question Title

* 3. I learned about CCA classes through (select all that apply):

Question Title

* 4. My CCA class experience helped me to (select all that apply):

Question Title

* 5. After high school, I plan to:

Question Title

* 6. In my CCA class, the teacher utilized the following methods for instruction (select all that apply):

Question Title

* 7. I demonstrated what I learned in my CCA class through (select all that apply):

For questions 8 through 13, please rate the following aspects of your CCA class as "Outstanding," "Strong," "Satisfactory," "Needs Improvement," or "Unsatisfactory." For any rating of "Needs Improvement," or "Unsatisfactory," please include feedback.

Question Title

* 8. My teacher set high expectations and presented a challenging curriculum.

Question Title

* 9. My teacher provided on-going feedback about my progress and performance.

Question Title

* 10. My teacher reinforced the importance of having respect for others.

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* 11. I had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify directions during class.

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* 12. I understood the goals and expectations of the class.

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* 13. The materials (packets/handouts), textbooks, and equipment were adequate and appropriate.

For questions 14 through 24, please respond yes or no to the questions about your CCA class.

Question Title

* 14. The classroom environment is safe for learning.

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* 15. I have been trained in safety procedures, both classroom and job related.

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* 16. Our lessons include reading and writing assignments.

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* 17. I use math, calculating, and/or measuring skills.

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* 18. I feel my reading, writing, and math skills have improved through practice in class.

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* 19. This class provides practice with problem-solving and critical thinking.

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* 20. I have prepared a resume and understand the interviewing process.

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* 21. I learned how to search for a job.

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* 22. As a result of this class, I feel more equipped to choose a career path and/or identify additional education or training needed.

Question Title

* 23. I would recommend a CCA class to another student.

Question Title

* 24. Overall, how well did this CCA class meet your needs and expectations?

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100% of survey complete.