2020 Youth Ministry Survey - Young Children Ages 6 -8

Youth Ministry Survey 2020 - Young Children Ages 6 -8

Dear parents and young friends, please modify questions as you need for level of understanding. You may need to repeat the question prior to each answer. Whatever answer they is wonderful!
1.What do you love about church?
2.What do you like to learn about the God?
3.What do you like to learn about the Church?
4.Do you pray by yourself?
5.Do you pray with your family at home?
6.Do my Church School Teacher or Youth Worker care about me?
7.Did my Church School Teacher or Youth Worker teach me that God will always love me?
8.Have you made friends at church?
9.Are you excited to go to church?
10.Are you excited to go to church school or activities with kids at church?
11.How do like being involved at your parish?
Modified question for younger children - Do you like.....
Helping during church services like holding candles
Serving at the altar
Church School
Summer Vacation School
St. Nicholas Day
Youth Activities
Helping with church events like our parish festival
12.What opportunities would you like to have that you don't already have at your parish? - Check all that apply
Modified question for younger children - What would you like try at church?
13.Do you go to summer camp at All Saints Camp such as Mommy/Daddy & Me?
14.My age is
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered