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With the beginning of EAZE Inc and the recognition of UFCW as the union representing employees, we are getting ready for expedited contract negotiations with the new company. The union’s position has been to fight for the contract that we already won with EAZE Stachs, before it’s closure, INCLUDING advocating for a process to increase mileage reimbursements to an appropriate amount. Please read the summary of the prior contract here.

However, based on our conversations, we know that the new company, EAZE Inc., is going to try to make adjustments to the existing contract. Here are some of the areas that we know are going to be sources of disagreement with the company.

Please let us know which of these issues are most important to you as a worker so we best understand how to prioritize these issues in negotiations.

We have a bargaining committee with representatives of each of the depots that are going to be actively participating in negotiations. We will keep you updated as negotiations proceed.

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* 1. What is Your Name

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* 2. Your Depot:

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* 3. Phone Number:

Prioritizing issues

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* 6. Increase driver mileage reimbursements rates (while company wants to maintain 40 cents while survey from last contract resulted in a suggested rate of 58 cents)

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* 7. Maintain a wage increase for employees with more than 5 years of experience (while company wants to eliminate that or extra in the wage scale)

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* 8. Maintain a minimum guarantee of hours for part time and flex drivers (while company wants to prioritize hours for full time before giving hours to part / flex)

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* 9. Maintain an increase in vacation accruals after 5 years (while company wants vacation accruals to cap at the 3 year rate)

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* 10. Create premiums for anyone doing job responsibilities outside of their classification (while company is wanting employees with more than 3 years of experience to be able to function as ‘managers on duty’ without additional pay premiums for extra responsibilities)

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* 11. Are there other important issues not already covered by the prior contract that you’d like to see the union and bargaining committee attempt to address?

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* 12. There are new job classifications being introduced into the bargaining unit and the collapsing of prior roles into one, including the “fulfillment” role. What is a fair starting compensation level for this position (assuming that will add pay for each year of experience beyond that base level)?

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* 13. If you work in Fulfillment - would you prefer to separate the roles of Inventory and Dispatch rather than having one “fulfillment” classification?

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* 14. Do you want to stay involved? If so we can schedule a follow up with an organizer or bargaining committee member to meet with you and share more!