Planning for sustainable growth

Managing the business risk and opportunity from climate change

Executive survey conducted by Risilience and the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies, Cambridge University, Judge Business School.
1.How would you describe your business?(Required.)
2.What is your level of optimism for progress on corporate sustainability in the next 3 years?(Required.)
3.How would you rate the status of your company's sustainability agenda compared to your industry peers?(Required.)
4.Is sustainable growth a priority for your business?(Required.)
5.How do you track consumer sentiment and emerging consumer needs/wants?
Not at all important (1)
Somewhat important (2)
Moderately important (3)
Very important (4)
Extremely important (5)
Proprietary consumer research
Industry trend data
Market research
Sales/ product data
6.How do you rate the following to help you balance the cost and benefit of adopting green technologies and innovation?
Not at all important (1)
Somewhat important (2)
Moderately important (3)
Very important (4)
Extremely important (5)
Grow external partnerships
Increase research to assess viability of green technologies
Create funding mechanisms to support adoption of green technology
Hire advisors to consult on green technology adoption
7.How do you rate the following to stay on top of the financial and regulatory landscape?
Not at all important (1)
Somewhat important (2)
Moderately important (3)
Very important (4)
Extremely important (5)
Internal legal and finance team
Outside legal counsel
Industry associations
8.What information or tools help your team keep pace with the market?
9.How important are the following tools in keeping internal and external stakeholder groups aligned on your company's sustainability goals?
Not at all important (1)
Somewhat important (2)
Moderately important (3)
Very important (4)
Extremely important (5)
Performance reports
Company calendar
10.Do you or anyone in your company have a financial incentive tied to sustainability goals?(Required.)
11.What incentives help your team manage sustainability targets?
12.What is your biggest challenge in achieving sustainable growth?
Not a challenge (1)
Somewhat a challenge (2)
Moderate challenge (3)
Very challenging (4)
Extremely challenging (5)
Actionable consumer insights
Keeping up with market and regulatory changes
Adapting to new technology
Operational agility
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered