
Question Title

Welcome to the Tinley In-Tune Workshop #2!

Tinley In-Tune is the Village's comprehensive plan and guiding framework for the next 10 - 15 years!

Over the summer and fall, the planning team, in collaboration with Village leadership and community members, developed a set of Themes and Goals reflecting what is top of mind for the Tinley community.

Themes (total 10 themes) represent the key topical areas we are focusing on, while Goals outline the aspirations we hope to achieve for the community. These ideas are meant to be challenged, workshopped, added to, reduced, and refined so that, in the end, they reflect the unique needs and vision of the Tinley Park community. Additionally, there are areas of overlap intentionally included for discussion, to highlight where certain strategies are most pressing and where they will ultimately make the greatest impact.

The team has also identified several key opportunity sites throughout the Village. We look forward to your input as we shape the future together!

Survey Instructions:
Review Themes and Goals, as well as Opportunity Site Development Scenarios. Feel free to focus on the topics most important to you. The Virtual Open House can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to complete, depending on your level of participation.

If you choose to skip answers, make sure to keep clicking NEXT at the bottom of each page until you get to the last page where you'll select SUBMIT. This will ensure we get your entry. Be sure to enter your email at the end for a chance to win a $100 gift card!

Check out the Tinley In-Tune website to learn more and stay updated about the project.