2024 Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey |
Dear Penn Highlands Student:
Penn Highlands is interested in listening to our students. Therefore, your thoughtful and honest responses to this critical survey are vital to improve our understanding our students, help us gauge how well we are achieving the college mission, and how we can improve student instruction, support, and services by focusing our improvement efforts.
You will be asked a series of questions about yourself and your satisfaction with the college and your experiences at Penn Highlands thus far. The survey will take about 15-minutes or less of your time. PLEASE NOTE: We are asking a series of demographic questions. Student demographic data is the information that describes our school's student population. This data includes categories such as ethnicity, gender, and other personal info. We assure you that your name or any other personally identifiable information will not be associated with your responses in our survey system, that is, all responses are anonymous. Your feedback is vital to our understanding of our students and our efforts to measure if we are serving and supporting all students at the highest level.
If you complete the entire survey, you will have the option to enter a random drawing for a Penn Highlands swag prize pack or one of five Penn Highlands Bookstore gift cards. Please complete this survey by Friday, December 6th. Again, the survey system does not associate your name with any survey responses, all responses are anonymous, even if you enter the drawing, where your contact info is housed in a separate part of the system.
Thank you for your participation and responses. We wish you the best of luck and success in your studies.