This survey's purpose is to learn what health-related topics residents of Central Connecticut Health District are interested in learning more about and how you would like this information delivered. We thank you for your time and value your feedback.

Question Title

* 1. Are you aware that we offer flu vaccines throughout the Fall?

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* 2. What vaccines are you interested in learning more about it? (Select all that apply)

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* 3. Which topic(s) are you interested in learning about, and which way would you like to learn it? (select all that apply)

  In- Person Social Media Newsletter Virtual Hybrid (in-person/ virtual)
Heart Health
Health and Climate Change
Pre-Diabetes- Diabetes
Substance Use Disorder
Healthy Relationships
Mental Health
Tick Borne Diseases
Sexual Transmitted Diseases
Emerging Infectious Diseases (such as Avian Flu)
Fall Prevention
Chronic Conditions
Children and Teen Health
Maternal Health

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* 4. For in-person events, how important is having food to your attendance?

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* 5. Please select any of the below services you may be interested in receiving at Central Connecticut Health District.

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* 6. If comfortable, please let us know which town you live in.

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* 7. If comfortable, please share your age group with us.

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* 8. Would you like to receive our monthly newsletter? If so, please provide your email address below.