72nd LRA Annual Conference Post Conference Attendee Survey

1.Are you a Member of LRA?
2.Which of the following best describes your professional position?
3.How did you hear about the 2022 LRA Conference
4.How many LRA Conferences have you attended, including this year?
5.We promoted the 2022 LRA Annual Meeting in the LRA Newsletter. Did you find this source of communication effective? Would you like for us to continue updating you on conference related items in the newsletter?
6.We promoted the 2022 LRA Annual Meeting on the LRA Website. Did you find this source of communication effective? Would you like for us to continue updating you on conference related items in the newsletter?
7.Rate your impression of the scholarly rigor of the events you attended.
8.Describe your impressions of the scholarly rigor of the sessions you attended.
9.Rate your impressions of the presence of diverse theoretical perspectives within the sessions you attended.
10.Describe your impressions of the presence of diverse epistemological and methodological perspectives being employed within the sessions you attended.
11.Describe your impressions of the presence of diversity within the research populations represented in the sessions you attended.
12.Describe your impression of the session formats across the conference.  Do you feel that the session formats (e.g. alternative sessions, papers, roundtables, study groups and symposia) allow for sufficient audience participation and scholarly dialogue?
13.Were all of the scheduled presenters in attendance at the sessions you attended?
14.Describe your experience or observations regarding session chairs at this year's conference.
15.Describe your experience or observations regarding session discussants at this year's conference.
16.How many Major Addresses did you attend?  Major Address sessions this year included: The Presidential Address (Dr. David B. Yaden, Jr.), The Oscar S. Causey Address (Dr. Arlette Willis), The Distinguished Scholar Lifetime Achievement Award Address (Dr. Guadalupe Valdes), Friday Morning Plenary  (Dr. Bryan Brayboy), Friday Evening Plenary (Reimagining LRA in the Spirit of a Transcendent Literacy Approach), and the Integrative Research Review Panel (Dr. Catherine Compton-Lilly, Dr. Marcus Croom, Dr. Allison Skerrett, Dr. Mary McVee).
17.Please provide any feedback you wish to offer regarding the Major Addresses at the conference.
18.Did you attend the 2022 Welcome Reception? If so, please provide us with your feedback on this session.
19.What factors determined your decision to attend or not attend the Major Addresses?
20.This year, we spread out the Study Groups over different time slots in hopes of giving our members an opportunity to attend multiple study group sessions. Was this change in the program beneficial to you?
21.Which of the following best describes the study groups you attended this year?
22.Which conference event/events this year best addressed your professional needs?
23.Describe the event/events this year that best addressed your professional needs?
24.If you would like to provide additional feedback regarding the 72nd Annual Conference, please respond below.
Current Progress,
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