Rico Short Term Rental Regulations

1.Are you a resident of Rico(Required.)
2.Do you think Short Term Rental properties (airbnb, VRBO, etc.) should be regulated in the Town of Rico?(Required.)
3.Tell us how you feel about Short Term Rentals in Rico. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 

They make it harder for people to find quality, affordable housing that’s available to rent long-term
4.Tell us how you feel about Short Term Rentals in Rico. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

They make Rico a more appealing tourist destination
5.Tell us how you feel about Short Term Rentals in Rico. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

They are an important source of income for residents and the town

6.Tell us how you feel about Short Term Rentals in Rico. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

They increase noise, on-street parking and property damage
7.Who should be allowed to offer Short Term Rentals? Choose all that apply.(Required.)
8.In what areas should Short Term Rentals be permitted? Choose all that apply.(Required.)
9.Should there be a limit on the total number of nights per year? What do you think would be a fair?(Required.)
10.Is there an ideal limit on the number of homes that can be used as a short-term vacation rental in Rico? If so, please select your preferred limit:(Required.)
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