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Springfield Neighborhood Investment Plan Survey: North End

The City of Springfield is developing Neighborhood Investment Plans for the North End neighborhoods. Help determine the top priorities for your neighborhood by choosing what you believe are the most important projects to invest in. Your voice matters! Please complete the survey.

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* 1. What classroom number is your child in? The classroom with the highest number of completed surveys will win!

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* 2. What's your relationship to the North End?

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* 3. What would you prioritize first in your vision for the North End? (1 being your first priority)

  1 2 3
An upgraded Main Street: walkable, bikeable, well-lit, street trees, bus shelters, and art
More mixed-use development: Affordable housing mixed with small businesses
No more vacant lots: Prioritize using vacant lots for housing, businesses, and or attractive green spaces

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* 4. Ranking from 1-3, what would you like to see happen first in your neighborhood? (1 being what you'd like to see first)

  1 2 3
Create mixed-use housing and business development
Build senior housing at the old Brightwood school located on Plainfield St.
Create cultural events and celebrations at neighborhood parks

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* 5. Ranking from 1-3, what would you like to see happen first in your neighborhood? (1 being what you'd like to see first)

  1 2 3
Use vacant lots for housing
Use vacant lots for attractive green spaces and events
Improve the cleanliness and attractiveness of Main Street

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* 6. When it comes to faster fixes in your neighborhood, which do you believe should be the highest priority? (Choose your top three)

  1 2 3
Repair or re-use large parking lots that need repairs
Create a better system to keep streets and walkways clean
Increase business development by funding a sustainable business position for your neighborhood and bringing businesses together
Invest in home repairs to increase "curb appeal" and solve serious interior issues
Create a community engagement program: Advance neighborhood programs and train residents to be community leaders
Improve street lighting

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* 7. Below are projects that could take longer than 1-2 years to complete. Which would you want the city to fund as a top priority? (Pick your top three)

  1 2 3
Upgrade the commercial corridor/Main Street: Improved streetlights, landscaping, and art
Create a Food Truck Park: Use vacant lots or city-owned land for an outdoor food and event space
Ensure that North End is part of a city-wide effort to have state-of-the-art Internet access for residents and businesses
Create a large mixed-use site: 50-70 dwelling units and 3-5 business
Use a vacant lot that is suitable for commercial activity for a supermarket (around Main St., Church St., and Dover St.)

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* 8. Three long-term projects in your neighborhood were identified. Which long-term project would you want to see first?

  1 2 3
Development of retail (particularly food services, cafes) and full-service restaurants (6 or more)
Creation of compact, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use development around the train system
A street light initiative for the entire neighborhood

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* 9. If you would like to to be entered into a raffle, please enter your name and email.

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