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Your contributions to the American Academy of Neurology during your period of employment are greatly valued. Before you leave the organization, we would appreciate it if you could share some of your thoughts and insights with us. The purpose of this form is to help us to learn from your experiences with us; this information will be used in an effort to improve the organization and will be managed sensitively. HR does not provide a copy or your survey feedback nor quote your feedback to leadership. We will use high level themes and data inclusive of multiple participants to provide insights to Executive Leadership and improve our staff experiences. During the exit meeting, a member of the HR team would seek your agreement to share any further feedback with leadership.

Thank you for being open and sharing your thoughts with us.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name

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* 2. Today's Date


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* 3. Your Department

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* 4. Your Hire Date


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* 5. Your Last Day Worked


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* 6. Your Direct Supervisor

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* 7. How long have you been considering leaving our organization?

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* 8. What reason below primarily describes your reason for leaving (select one)?

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* 9. Other secondary reason(s) for leaving?

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* 10. Please fully explain why you are leaving the Academy and everything that contributed to your decision to leave.

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* 11. Please rate the following:

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Excellent
Compensation (pay)
Benefits program
Physical working conditions
Resources given to employees to do their jobs
Wellness offerings
Recognition given to employees
Academy's concern with quality and excellence
Recruiting process
Initial training
Ongoing training
Career growth and development opportunities
Performance feedback
Communication processes/keeping employees informed
Open door policy
Upholding company values
Morale overall
Morale in your division/work group
Cooperation among employees and leadership
HR was helpful and knowledgeable
Interest in employees
Treating employees fairly

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* 12. The quality of supervision is important to most people at work.  How was your relationship with your manager?

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* 13. Please rate the following:

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Excellent
Supervisor promptly resolved complaints/concerns
Supervisor treated you lawfully
Supervisor listened to suggestions from employees
Supervisor's leadership qualities
Supervisor encouraged cooperation
Supervisor treated you fairly

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* 14. Do you have another job?  If yes, what does it offer that your job with the Academy does not?

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* 15. What did you like BEST about your job and/or the Academy?  Please give examples.

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* 16. What did you like LEAST about your job and/or the Academy?  Is there anything you would change?  Please give examples.

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* 17. Was your workload usually (please check one):

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* 18. What could have been done to encourage you not to leave?  Was this made known to your supervisor or Human Resources prior to your decision to leave?

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* 19. What were your reasons for joining the Academy originally?

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* 20. We try to be an employee-oriented organization in which employees experience positive morale and motivation.  What is your experience of employee morale and motivation here?

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* 21. Do you think the Academy lives up to the values that have been chosen?

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* 22. If no, which value(s) did we not live up to?  How can we change what we are doing to ensure that we do live up to our values?

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* 23. What are 1-2 things we could do to promote a better workplace?

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* 24. Any other comments that you would like to add at this time?

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