Parents' Experiences of Supporting Young Children's Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Information Page
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Dear Parent
The purpose of this project is to find out about your experiences of supporting your child/ren’s early childhood education (children 8 years and younger) during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am working with A/Prof Libby Lee-Hammond to conduct this research. We hope to gain insights from you about this experience that will be of value to other parents/carers, educators and policy makers.
The purpose of this project is to find out about your experiences of supporting your child/ren’s early childhood education (children 8 years and younger) during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am working with A/Prof Libby Lee-Hammond to conduct this research. We hope to gain insights from you about this experience that will be of value to other parents/carers, educators and policy makers.
You are invited to participate in this online questionnaire at a time that is convenient to you. The questionnaire should take approximately 15 minutes to complete and uses SurveyMonkey online service to collate your response to individual questions. The privacy of participants is very important. You will not be identified by name in any report (i.e. thesis, publication or presentation) arising from the study.
You can choose to withdraw your consent to participate in this research at any time prior to the commencement of the data analysis. If we have not yet published from the findings, any material you have given us will be destroyed. Withdrawing from the research will have no consequences for you.
You can choose to withdraw your consent to participate in this research at any time prior to the commencement of the data analysis. If we have not yet published from the findings, any material you have given us will be destroyed. Withdrawing from the research will have no consequences for you.
Should you find the questionnaire causes you distress, please seek support from one of the following services: Beyond Blue Lifeline Australia
You can expect to receive feedback about the findings of this research by the end of this year.
Thank you for your interest in this project. Please do not hesitate to email me should you have any questions about the questionnaire.
Best regards
Sandra Hesterman
Dr. Sandra Hesterman
Academic Chair for Early Childhood
Senior Lecturer in Education
Murdoch University
Western Australia 6150
You can expect to receive feedback about the findings of this research by the end of this year.
Thank you for your interest in this project. Please do not hesitate to email me should you have any questions about the questionnaire.
Best regards
Sandra Hesterman
Dr. Sandra Hesterman
Academic Chair for Early Childhood
Senior Lecturer in Education
Murdoch University
Western Australia 6150