NAPSA is now accepting nominations for awards to be presented at the 2024 annual conference to be held September 16 - September 18, 2024, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. You may nominate an individual, agency or work group for an award. Preference may be given to NAPSA members. Please note that the only award that requires the recipient to be a NAPSA member is the President's Award.

Please check the award for which you are making a nomination and complete the additional information requested. You must ensure that the form is FULLY COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED. The form will only accept nomination of one award. If nominating a person for more than one award, a separate nomination form for each award nomination should be submitted. The deadline for receiving the nomination form is July 15, 2024. Nominations received after the deadline will not be considered.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us which award you are nominating someone for.