Short-Term Rental of Residential Properties Survey
What category best describes you?
Resident in Mapleton
Property owner in Mapleton
Host Property for STRs
Other (please specify)
What advantages do you see in short-term rentals? (Please select all that apply).
Alternative accommodation choices for visitors
Support local tourism/ economic impact from visitor spending
Income for property owner
Use of property when otherwise unoccupied
None of the above
Other (please specify)
What disadvantages do you see with short-term rentals? (Please select all that apply).
Loss of housing available for long-term rental.
Neighbouring STR creates parking/noise/litter/safety problems/
Unfair competition for hotels/motels/B&Bs
Incompatible use in a residential area
Other (please specify)
How do you think the municipality should deal with short-term rentals?
STRs should not be allowed in the municipality
Licence and regulate them
Only allow in urban areas
Only allow in rural areas
Confine to principal residence only
Limit the number permitted or institute setbacks from each other
Treat hosted (owner present or close) vs. un-hosted accommodation differently
Allow STR when no (few) complaints received
Other (please specify)
Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?
Do you reside, or is your business in:
The urban area of Mapleton
The rural area of Mapleton
Outside of Mapleton
Other (please specify)