Based on your experience in Arctic research and engagement, we seek your input as a first step in defining requirements for an Arctic Practices System (APS). This system is envisioned to be a sustained repository for practices used to observe, understand, live in and sustainably manage the circumpolar Arctic. What the APS characteristics are will be determined through engagement and co-design with Arctic stakeholders and rights holders. This questionnaire is part of the community engagement and co-design process initiated by the Capacity-building in Arctic Standardisation Development (CAPARDUS) Project (see https://capardus.nersc.no). Your responses will form a foundation for the APS design.
This survey includes a few questions about yourself, questions about what should be included in the APS design, and finally some questions on how your practices are currently managed and shared.
The results of this survey will guide our design evolution. The survey should take approximately 10-12 minutes to complete. You will be able to go back to look at your previous responses until you submit the survey. We ask that you provide your name, email and organization so we may contact you if necessary. Any results released will be de-identified as to the responder's name and email address. We thank you for your support.
This survey includes a few questions about yourself, questions about what should be included in the APS design, and finally some questions on how your practices are currently managed and shared.
The results of this survey will guide our design evolution. The survey should take approximately 10-12 minutes to complete. You will be able to go back to look at your previous responses until you submit the survey. We ask that you provide your name, email and organization so we may contact you if necessary. Any results released will be de-identified as to the responder's name and email address. We thank you for your support.