Employer interest survey

Business owners wanting to know more and are interested in School Based Traineeships / Apprenticeships for employees in their business (existing and new), are encouraged to complete the brief questionnaire below.
The information gathered by the Centre of Excellence is passed on to the Department of Education. The Centre of Excellence cannot guarantee that by completing the survey below that you will be paired with a student.

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* 1. Please provide the following details.

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* 2. Please provide an indication of your business type

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* 3. Is your business interested in a school based apprenticeship/traineeship?

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* 4. What type of role are you looking to fill?

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* 5. What timeframe are you working to?

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* 6. What is the size of team that the student would be working within?

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* 7. What days of the week does your business operate?

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* 8. Would you like to be connected a SBAT expert at Learning Services NSW to discuss the process of engaging a school aged apprentice/trainee

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* 9. What other work opportunities do you currently have?

Thank you for your valuable feedback.

For information on the CoE please contact:
Robyn Johnson, Manager Skills and Opportunities - robyn.johnson@dnsss.com.au or
Sam Tooley, Industry Partnership Specialist - sam.tooley@dnsss.com.au