Application form

Please fill out the below form to submit your interest in being a student volunteer for the upcoming joint European and International Congress on Obesity (ECO/ICO). By filling this form, you consent to the ASOI using your details to assess eligibility to take part and to contact you regarding the outcome of your application.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email address

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* 3. Course type

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* 4. Course of study

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* 5. Institution

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* 6. Please let us know your availability for volunteering, so we can ensure you are allocated a day that suits you to attend. Please tick all dates that you are available.

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* 7. Do you have any dietary requirements?

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* 8. Do you have any additional requirements such as accessibility needs that we should know about in advance?

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* 9. Please tell us in no more than 400 words, why you would like to take part as a student volunteer for ECO/ICO and how you will disseminate your learning. If you have an active Twitter account that you use for your work/study, this could be a useful example (please feel free to share your social media handles/details as evidence). Remember also to include details of why this meeting will be relevant to your field of study, and any additional details about NGOs/networks/advocacy groups or similar that you are involved in which may demonstrate your interest.

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* 10. Please upload a letter of support from a relevant referee, such as a lecturer, research supervisor or similar. 

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 11. Finally, if you may be interested in future online training on the subject of obesity/weight management, please tick yes below to consent to us holding your details for forwarding information relevant to this in the future.

Thank you very much for your interest in volunteering. We aim to respond with an outcome of your application by 17th April.