Local Government ACROD Parking Accessibility Review Survey

1.Which local government do you represent?
2.Has your local government issued any fine infringements for illegal parking in ACROD bays since fine penalties were increased on 25 April 2020?
3.If yes, how many fine infringements have been issued?
4.Has there been a noticeable improvement in the incidence of illegal parking in ACROD bays since the increase in fine penalties came into effect?
5.Have you received any feedback from the community in relation to the increase in fine penalties for illegal parking in ACROD bays?
6.If yes, what has the feedback been in relation to?
7.Has the local government received any general community feedback in relation to ACROD parking availability and / or parking bay misuse in the past twelve months?
8.If yes, what has the feedback been in relation to?
9.Have you received any complaints about the standard of ACROD bays in your local government area?
10.If yes, what are the complaints in relation to?
11.If other, please specify
12.Does your Parking Local Law enable the local government to enter into agreements with private landowners to enforce the Local Law on their land?
13.If yes, does your local government offer these agreements?
14.If no, what are the reasons for this decision?  Please specify
15.If yes, how many agreements do you have in place?
16.What types of carparks are the agreements with?
17.If other, please specify
18.Does your local government have the capacity to facilitate an increase in parking agreements with commercial / private carparks?
19.Is your local government amenable to increasing  its level of parking agreements?
20.If no, what are the main reasons why?
21.What are some of the barriers to establishing parking agreements with property owners?
22.If other, please specify
23.Are you aware of any privately owned, publicly accessible carparks that experience regular ACROD bay misuse in your local government area?
24.If yes, has your local government attempted to enter into a parking agreement with the carpark's owners?
25.Please provide any general feedback in relation to ACROD bay availability, misuse, monitoring and enforcement.
26.Please provide any additional comments and / or suggestions to help deal with the supply and demand of ACROD bays during busy periods.
Current Progress,
0 of 26 answered