Part B, Foxborough Open Space & Recreation Plan Survey

The Open Space Committee is in the process of updating Foxborough’s 2011–2018 Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP), which expires this July. Residents' opinions and input is critical, since the updated OSRP will help Foxborough residents take control of future growth, while preserving the resources that make our Town unique.

An OSRP is an important planning guideline that (1) identifies residents’ overall goals for the Town’s open space and recreation resources; (2) recommends strategies for development that will support these goals; and (3) qualifies the town of Foxborough to apply for various State grant programs.

Part A - Our original 2017 survey (the same as the 2011 OSRP Survey) has been on-line since April 2017. If you have already taken this survey, thank you! If you haven't completed Part A, please see the link on the Conservation Commission's website.

Part B - The following questions have been added to help clarify needs and uses that were not addressed in Part A of the survey. 

Please take a few moments to complete both parts (A and B) of the OSRP Survey. This link is for Part B, only. Thank you for your assistance!

Question Title

* 2. Would you use any of the above resources more often if they were universally/ADA accessible?

Question Title

* 3. Does Foxborough currently provide enough of the following?

  Yes No No Opinion
Outdoor opportunities for families (music, walks/talks, farmers market)
Outdoor opportunities for toddlers (tot lot, recreation activities)
Outdoor opportunities for seniors (walks/talks, all person trails)
Outdoor opportunities for persons with physical or sensory impairments
Opportunities for sportsmen (hunting and/or fishing)
Opportunities to experience being on a farm or a community garden
Opportunities to learn about nature and the outdoors
Athletic fields for team sports
Natural areas that provide rare plant and/or animal habitat
Roadside paths