Dementia Hub Survey

The LiveWell Hub are looking to work with colleagues who work in a healthcare setting to see what new services and information we may be able to bring to the hub.

Please answer these questions from your own perspective but feel free to ask for support in filling it out.

If you are a carer supporting a friend or family member, please feel free to complete one on your behalf.
1.Would you like to receive more information about physical health at the Hub?
2.If yes, which of these topics would you like to learn more about?
3.How do you think this would be best accessed at the hub?
4.Would you like to receive more information about social support at the hub?
5.If yes, which of these topics would you like to learn more about?
6.How do you think this would be best accessed at the hub?
Tell us a bit about yourself...
7.How old are you?
8.Are you a carer?
9.Do you have a diagnosis of dementia?