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I, Brock Renshaw, am asking you to participate in a research study titled “Study on Stigmatization of Psychedelic Drugs.” I will describe this study to you and answer any of your questions.  This study is being led by William Brock Renshaw, History Department at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. The Faculty Advisor for this study is Dr. Bean, History Department at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

What the study is about

The purpose of this research is to research the stigmatization of psychedelic drugs. In my research as a history student, it has been made clear that the history of psychedelic drugs shows that politics, media, and moral panic caused psychedelic drugs to be perceived as harmful agents, which landed them in the Schedule I, the most severe schedule, category of the DEA substance scheduling. However, hundreds of scientific studies of the last seventy years demonstrates that psychedelic substances possess medicinal value to treat a variety of mental illnesses. Due to this fact, I am conducting a study that examines the negative stigma surrounding psychedelic drugs to see if it still persists among differing generations in America. This study involves interviews, survey questionnaires, and other observations to assess the stigma of psychedelics firsthand.

What I will ask you to do

I will ask you to fill out a short survey via Google forms to answer eleven questions about the stigmatization of psychedelic drugs. These questions are entirely opinionated and have no right or wrong answer. The questions should only take no more than ten minutes of time. All participants must be 18 years of age or older. This study is anonymous.


Risks and discomforts

I do not anticipate any risks by being apart of this study.



There are no direct benefits to this study. We hope to learn more about why psychedelic drugs have been perceived as harmful or dangerous. In doing so, it may shed light on the fact that these substances are not harmful or dangerous and possess medicinal value that can help those in need of medical intervention with mental illness.


Compensation for participation

There will be no compensation for participating in this study.


Privacy/Confidentiality/Data Security

Any identifiable characteristics of the data relating to the survey will not be used, published, or shared. The only characteristic needed for this survey is the age of the participant. All other identifiers will not be used for any purpose. Names and other identifiable characteristics are not needed nor asked for in this survey. All data will be kept on a password protected laptop that only the PI has access to. The data will not be used for anything else other than this current research project.

We anticipate that your participation in this survey presents no greater risk than everyday use of the Internet.

Please note that email communication and direct messaging is neither private nor secure. Though I am taking precautions to protect your privacy, you should be aware that information sent through e-mail could be read by a third party.

Your confidentiality will be kept to the degree permitted by the technology being used. We cannot guarantee against interception of data sent via the internet by third parties.


Sharing De-identified Data Collected in this Research

De-identified data from this study may be shared with the research community at large to advance science and health. We will remove or code any personal information that could identify you before files are shared with other researchers to ensure that, by current scientific standards and known methods, no one will be able to identify you from the information we share. Despite these m

Question Title

* 1. I have read the above information on this consent form and agree to take part in this study 

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