Encuesta en español aquí.

Welcome and thank you for taking time to share your opinions about the future nature park at Willamette Cove! Metro and its partner, the Port of Portland, are working to clean up the 27-acre former industrial property so Metro can transform it into a nature park that is safe for people to visit and where plants and animals can thrive.

In April and May, we kicked off the design process by asking community members to offer their insights and open their imaginations for what the future nature park could be. Community members like you provided incredible ideas. Metro’s park planners took all that input and created designs for Willamette Cove that provides access to nature and water, quiet areas, nature playgrounds, gathering spaces, educational experiences, and plenty of room for trees, plants, and animals to thrive.

In this survey, you’re going to tell us which designs you like best for these park elements:
  • The path of the regional trail that crosses the entire park
  • Nature trails
  • Nature loops
  • A kayak/canoe launch and swim dock
  • Gathering and picnicking areas
  • Nature play areas
  • Art location
A few important elements of the park, however, are fixed in place.
  • The entrance, which will include parking, restrooms and meet or do better than ADA requirements
  • A second entrance for pedestrians, bikes and emergency vehicles
  • The entry points for the regional trail
  • A retaining wall in the middle of the park
Exactly where the park’s oak and madrone forests, meadows and riverside habitat go will be determined after Willamette Cove is cleaned up.

Metro’s park planners created three designs for the park. Instead of asking which of these designs you like best, we’re going to look at how the designs handle each park element and ask which you like best. That way, the planners can mix-and-match elements of the three designs based on what community members want.

Question Title

* 1. Do you want to: