Sorell Council is continuously seeking to improve how we engage and communicate.

Our municipality is growing and changing rapidly. Did you know Sorell’s population is projected to grow by 27% by 2052? This is the highest growth rate forecast in the state!

This means it's more important than ever for Council to stay in touch with what really matters to you and ensure we're meeting the community's needs. Your input is key to helping us respond and adapt to change and to building genuine, trusted connections with the community.

By taking a few minutes to complete this survey, you'll let us know what you value most, what you want to hear more about and how to reach you, as well as what you expect from the Council now and in the future.

Your feedback will be instrumental in shaping our Communications and Engagement Strategy. We’re excited to hear your thoughts and for us to work together to keep our community safe, liveable and thriving!
A little bit about you ....

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* 1. What suburb do you live in?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. How long have you lived in the Sorell Municipality?

We appreciate the interest and passion our community has for the many different areas of Council responsibility. We want to ensure you are getting information about what you care about, in a way that works for you.

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* 4. Can you tell us what you're most interested to hear or be involved in? Select all that apply.

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* 5. How do you prefer to hear about our news, activities and events? Select all that apply

In our last communication survey over 84% of respondents told us they wanted to be more involved / consulted in Council's decision making process. Since then, Council has increased the number of ways community can participate in consultation and engagement activities.

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* 6. Thinking about the last year, did you hear of, or participate in, any of our community engagement activities offered on different projects? Select all that apply

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* 7. If you attended an activity or engaged with us in the last year, did you feel your contribution(s) and/or feedback was valued?

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* 8. How would you rate our communication and engagement activities over the last year?

0 = poor Average 10 = excellent
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 9. We want to try different or new ways to reach people. Would you support any of the following methods? Select all that apply or add your own ideas

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* 10. How important is it for you to be involved in our decision making?

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* 11. Do you have any other ideas or suggestions to improve our communication and engagement within the community?

Thanks for your feedback!

The next step is to have the Draft Communications and Engagement Strategy ready for public consultation in early November. Stay up-to-date on our website, through our social media or by signing up to our monthly e-News.