Thank you for considering taking on a position. We welcome and mentor volunteers. If you are not interested in an elected position, please let us know as there are appointed volunteer leadership roles, as well.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Membership #

Question Title

* 3. Home Address

Question Title

* 4. Phone Number

Question Title

* 6. Component

Question Title

* 7. Licensure Status

Question Title

* 8. Current professional position

Question Title


Please attach, in an email, the following items with this Biodata Form

Question Title

* 10. Copy of current dental hygiene license.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 11. In no more than a one-page Word document, create a brief resume which includes the following information in this order:
  • Education
  • Professional Experience (Private Practice, Education, Managed Care)
  • Association Experience (Component, Constituent & National)
  • Related Experience (Liaison Activities, Legislative Activities, Fundraising)
  • Honors/Recognition

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File
Referencing the Universal Skill Sets for VDHA Leadership Roles, please answer each of the following 3 questions in no more than 2-3 sentences:

Question Title

* 12. What motivates you to become a board member?

Question Title

* 13. Why would you be a good fit to serve in this position?

Question Title

* 14. What do you feel is essential to ensure that the board and staff are successful in attaining the goals for this organization?

Question Title

* 15. What skills and knowledge are you willing to bring to our board? Please indicate your experience in the following areas. Rate 1-3, with 3 being very experienced, 2 some experience, and 1 being little to no experience.

  1 2 3
Board Development (recruitment, training, evaluation)
Program Planning and Evaluation (trainings, outreach)
Financial management and control (budgeting, accounting)
Public Policy, legislative advocacy
Communication, Public and Media Relations
Public Speaking
Strategic Planning
Information Technology (website, listserv, etc)
Special Events (planning and implementing)

Question Title

* 16. I understand that any VDHA position indicates a substantial personal commitment as well as willingness to represent VDHA’s missions, goals, and policies. I assume responsibility for updating VDHA of any changes in the information submitted. I understand that I will be required to sign the VDHA Rules of Conduct Form. Only VDHA Members are eligible.