30-Day New Hire Survey

We value our employees and want your feedback!  The HR team would like to hear from you about your recruiting and onboarding experience.  Whether you have been with us for a month or longer …. The question is “how are we doing?”

This survey should take about 10 – 15 minutes and this confidential information will help us enhance our recruiting and onboarding experience for others.  Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at myhr@wintrust.com

Question Title

* 2. Prior to joining our organization, how did you become aware of the company as a potential employer?

Question Title

* 3. In your employment search, what most influenced your decision to join Wintrust?

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the level of effectiveness on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning "Extremely Ineffective” and 5 meaning “Extremely Effective.”

  1. Extremely Ineffective 2. Somewhat Ineffective 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat Effective 5. Extremely Effective
During the interview process, how effective were we at providing additional information to you about the job and organization?

Question Title

* 5. Please rate your level of satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning that you were "Extremely Dissatisfied” and 5 meaning that you were “Extremely Satisfied.”

  1. Extremely Dissatisfied 2. Very Dissatisfied 3. Neutral 4. Very Satisfied 5. Extremely Satisfied
How satisfied were you with the overall helpfulness of the employees you came in contact with during the interview process?
Overall, how satisfied were you with the recruiting process at our organization?

Question Title

* 6. While you were applying for your current job, how effectively did we describe:

  1. Extremely Ineffective 2. Somewhat Ineffective 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat Effective 5. Extremely Effective
The type of work you would be doing.
What your day-to-day experiences would be like.
Our organization's values.
The work style of your future team.
The characteristics of your future direct manager.
Provide resources to prepare for your first day.
Establishing a point of contact for Q&A, and support for first week.

Question Title

* 7. During your first month on the job, how effective were we at:

  1. Extremely Ineffective 2. Somewhat Ineffective 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat Effective 5. Extremely Effective
Explaining our benefits package.
Teaching you about the organization's vision and strategy.
Explaining our organization's informal rules, policies and procedures.
Introducing you to other new employees.
Giving you a clear understanding of your job responsibilities.
Clearly explaining your performance objectives.
Having work for you to do right from the start.
Providing a well-organized training schedule for the first month of employment.
Providing early feedback on your performance.
Giving you on-the-job learning experiences.

Question Title

* 8. Overall, how satisfied were you with the onboarding process?

  1. Extremely Dissatisfied 2. Somewhat Dissatisfied 3. Neutral 4. Somewhat Satisfied 5. Extremely Satisfied
Overall, how satisfied were you with the onboarding process?

Question Title

* 9. What is one thing the company could do differently in our recruiting and onboarding process?

Question Title

* 10. What should be our top priority for improving the recruitment, hiring and onboarding process for other new employees?