The Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic is conducting a survey on access to Canada Child Benefits (CCB) by people with no / precarious immigration status.  The information collected from the survey may be used in litigation before the Tax Court of Canada to challenge the denial of CCB to people with no / precarious status.

If you are a service provider who provides services to these individuals, we ask you to kindly take 15 minutes of your time to complete this survey.  The survey will expire on January 8, 2021.

We thank you for your time and assistance.

Question Title

* 1. Name of the Agency (Optional)

Question Title

* 2. Does your agency provide services to people with precarious / no immigration status?

Question Title

* 3. If yes, does your agency provide services to clients with the following types of status? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Are you a managerial staff who has responsibility of the overall caseload at your agency?

If you are a management staff, please answer the following questions based on the work of the agency. If you are a non-management staff, please answer the following questions based on your own casework.

Question Title

* 5. What is the percentage of clients with these various status?

  Less than 20% From 20% to 50% More than 50% to 75% More than 75% to 100%
Refugee Claimants 
Failed refugee claimants
People with no status
People with WP
Temp Residents
People with TRP
People under workers programs
People with implied status

Question Title

* 6. Among the clients with precarious / no status, what is the percentage of clients who file income tax?

  Less than 20% From 20% to 50% More than 50% to 75% More than 75% to 100%
Refugee Claimants 
Failed refugee claimants
People with no status
People with WP
Temp Residents
People with TRP
People under workers programs
People with implied status
Do not know

Question Title

* 7. Among the clients who have filed income tax, what are the percentage of clients who have applied for Canada Child Benefit (CCB) or would like to apply for CCB?

  Less than 20% From 20% to 50% More than 50% to 75% More than 75% to 100%
Refugee Claimants 
Failed refugee claimants
People with no status
People with WP
Temp Residents
People with TRP
People under workers programs
People with implied status
Do not know

Question Title

* 8. Are there any clients that you serve with precarious / no status and have been granted CCB?

Question Title

* 9. If yes, what kind of status do these clients have? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 10. Are any of the clients who have been granted CCB been asked by CRA to repay the CCB due to their immigration status?

Question Title

* 11. If yes, what kind of status do these clients have? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 12. Of the clients who have been refused CCB, or have been granted CCB but are asked to repay, what is their gender make up?

  Less than 20% 20% to 50% More than 50% to 75% More than 75% to 100%

Question Title

* 13. Of the clients who have been refused CCB, or have been granted CCB but are asked to repay, what percentage are people of colour?

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* 14. Do you have any clients who have been granted CCB and have never been asked to repay CCB?

Question Title

* 15. If yes, how many of these cases have you seen?

Question Title

* 16. For those who have been granted CCB and have never been asked to repay, what are the status of these clients? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 17. Of the clients who have been granted CCB, and have never been asked to repay, what is their gender make up?

  Less than 20% 20% to 50% More than 50% to 75% More than 75% to 100%

Question Title

* 18. Of the clients who have been granted CCB, and have never been asked to repay, what percentage are people of colour?

Question Title

* 19. What kind of impact have you seen on your clients as a result of their not being able to get CCB, or being asked to repay CCB that they have received? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 20. Have you seen any clients who are able to access CCB because they live with a partner who has immigration status (e.g. citizen, permanent resident and Convention Refugee) even though the clients themselves have precarious / no status?

Question Title

* 21. Have you seen any clients who choose to stay in an abusive relationship because they have precarious / no status, and their partner does, so that they can access CCB for their children through their partner?

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* 22. If the answer is yes, how many cases have you seen where the clients decide to stay in an abusive relationship just to access CCB for their children?

Question Title

* 23. Of these cases, what is the gender breakdown?

  Less than 20% 20% to 50% More than 50% to 75% More than 75% to 100%

Question Title

* 24. Of these cases, what is the percentage of clients who are people of colour?

Question Title

* 25. Can we contact you for follow up questions?

Question Title

* 26. Contact of the individual completing the survey. (Optional, but please provide name if you agree to follow up)