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Assessing our community resilience

Wao is assessing the resilience of our food systems in the district to make sure we are well prepared for any shocks that may come our way. This Survey will help us to see where we currently get our food from and your feelings about our food system. This information will be used to help inform the development of a roadmap to increase our ability to feed ourselves into the future.
This survey only takes 2 minutes! Each survey entered goes in to win a $50 Revology gift voucher (to enter, make sure you enter your email address). If you have questions about this survey please email us at Responses close 16 April 2022.

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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 4. Are you the main food buyer in your household?

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* 5. In the past four weeks, where did your household source its food from? (choose all that apply)

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* 6. In the last four weeks, what percentage of your household food came from the following?

  None 1-25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-99% All
Direct from the producer / farmers market
Home grown / homemade / foraging / hunting
Community food network (e.g. foodbank, food for love, meals-on-wheels)
Meal delivery kit
Super market / convenience store / bulk or wholefood store

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* 7. Do you grow or produce food or have access to food in any of the following:

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* 8. If you DO NOT grow or produce any of your own food, what is your greatest barrier to growing / producing your own food?

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* 9. How important is access to local grown / produced food to you?

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* 10. In the last 12 months, how concerned have you been about the availability of or access to certain foods to your household?

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* 11. What concerns do you have about the availability and supply of food at the moment?

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* 12. What actions are you taking to increase your food resilience?

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* 13. Please enter your email address to subscribe to the Wao database and are ok that we follow up with you if needed after we analyse the data and go in the draw to win a $50 voucher from the Revology Concept Store.

0 of 13 answered