To assist our Spring ’25 graduates and all CCAC students currently seeking employment, Career Services will be holding a Spring Job Fair on Tuesday, April 29th. The Job Fair will be held in CCAC’s Allegheny Campus gym from 1 PM to 6 PM.

Please fill out this survey to complete your registration as an employer. This event is free to attend for employers and students.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. If more than you will be attending, please provide their contact info below.

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* 3. CCAC will soon be moving to a new jobs board product called Handshake. We believe that Handshake will be more engaging for the students, easier for employers to use and allow for more and better connections between CCAC’s students and area employers. Would you like us to send you more information about the launch of Handshake?

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* 4. Which academic programs’ students are you most interested in recruiting?