What's your story?

Now more than ever, it’s important for organizations to listen to the people they serve and find ways to help them cope with the new challenges they’re facing. 

We are energized by the inspiring stories of how customers are using SurveyMonkey to make a positive impact during the coronavirus crisis. We'd love to hear yours. 

Information provided in this survey will be reviewed by our Customer Advocacy team and not shared externally without your consent. If you are interested in discussing ways to promote your story and your cause with our community, please let us know below!

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email address (Use the email associated with your SurveyMonkey account)

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* 3. What company do you work for?

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* 4. SurveyMonkey product(s) you use:

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* 5. Tell us about yourself. What challenge related to COVID-19 are you trying to solve using surveys and feedback?

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* 6. How are you using SurveyMonkey products to achieve your goals?

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* 7. What action have you been able to take based on feedback collected through SurveyMonkey, and what impact are you seeing thus far?

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* 8. May we contact you to discuss the possibility of sharing your story?