Thank you for attending 2021 West Virginia Rural Health Conference. Your feedback will help us to improve future events.

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* 1. Please indicate your profession:

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* 2. Overall, how would you rate the event?

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* 3. What did you like about the event?

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* 4. What would you improve about the event?

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* 5. How organized was the event?

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* 6. How user friendly was the virtual platform?

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* 7. Was there any information that would have been helpful to know before the event?

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* 8. Was the event length too long, too short or about right?

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* 9. The conference met my educational needs.

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* 10. This conference provided new ideas/information that I expect to use.

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* 11. This conference increased my knowledge of rural health.

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* 12. I intend to implement at least one practice improvement as a result of this education.

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* 13. This conference met my need for continuing education credit, employment requirements, certification, or credentialing.

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* 14. This conference avoided commercial bias or influence.

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* 15. Please explain any choices of strongly disagree or disagree.

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* 16. Any additional suggestions on how to improve future conferences.