MVMA Virtual Coffee Talk New Poll

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* 1. Has your organization / institution reopened?

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* 2. If you have reopened are you bringing volunteers back on site at this time?

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* 3. If you are bringing back volunteers can you briefly describe your policies?

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* 4. If you have moved into more remote volunteers opportunities will you continue with these opportunities?  Please share a short explanation of your answer,

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* 5. If you have or are intending to bring volunteers back this summer how are you ensuring the staff that work with volunteers and the volunteers safety?  Please check all that apply:

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* 6. Have you or do you intend to survey your volunteers before they return to gauge how they feel about returning?  If yes, how are you surveying?

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* 7. If you did survey volunteers what concerns did they express about returning?

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* 8. Coffee Talk Topics you would like to discuss