MVMA Virtual Coffee Talk Topics Continued MVMA Virtual Coffee Talk New Poll Question Title * 1. Has your organization / institution reopened? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. If you have reopened are you bringing volunteers back on site at this time? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. If you are bringing back volunteers can you briefly describe your policies? Question Title * 4. If you have moved into more remote volunteers opportunities will you continue with these opportunities? Please share a short explanation of your answer, Yes No Other Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. If you have or are intending to bring volunteers back this summer how are you ensuring the staff that work with volunteers and the volunteers safety? Please check all that apply: We are providing mask and other PPE We are taking temperatures of staff and volunteers before they start their shift We are staying at least 6 feet apart We are having volunteers work in spaces alone and communicating electronically Other Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Have you or do you intend to survey your volunteers before they return to gauge how they feel about returning? If yes, how are you surveying? Mass survey through survey platform such as Survey Monkey Mass email Individual emails Individual calls Other Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. If you did survey volunteers what concerns did they express about returning? None - they were glad to be able to volunteer again Lack of social distancing by others Staff or volunteers not staying home if not feeling well Being provided the proper PPE (Personal protection equipment) Not being able to enjoy socializing with staff and other volunteers lack of direction from the state and federal governments they are waiting for a COVID vaccine Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Coffee Talk Topics you would like to discuss Topic 1 Topic 2 Done