American Dream Question Title * 1. Do you believe the “American Dream” is still possible in today’s economy? In other words, do you believe that through persistence and hard work, people who are now struggling can become wealthy? Yes No Unsure OK Question Title * 2. Do you think that 2018 holds more or less employment opportunities since Trump took office in 2016? More opportunities Less opportunities About the same as 2016 OK Question Title * 3. Do you think the overall job market will get better or worse in the remainder of Trump's Presidency? Better Unsure Worse OK Question Title * 4. Have you done anything in 2018 (education, training, etc.) to improve your job outlook for the future? Yes, internship/apprenticeship Yes, something else No OK Question Title * 5. Overall, for 2018, how would you rate the condition of the national economy? Very good Fairly good Bad Very bad OK Question Title * 6. Would you be will willing to share your thoughts on this with local media, if they were interesting in speaking with a job-seeker about this poll and about what it is like to look for a job in today's economy? Name ZIP/Postal Code Email Address OK DONE