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I would like to know the value you get out of my weekly blog, what new wellness topics you would like covered, and how you would like your content delivered.  I really appreciate the time you take to complete this short survey and will send you a FREE gift for your effort. Thank you! Teeming Health with Michelle Martin
1.Do you look forward to reading  Michelle's Musings - my weekly blog that comes out on Sunday evening?
2.How often do you read Michelle's Musings - the weekly blog at Teeming Health?
3.What do you most look forward to learning about? Pick all that apply.
4.Would any of these topics interest you?
5.What do you find most valuable about Michelle's Musings - the weekly blog generated by Teeming Health since 2017?
6.How would you like to get your wellnesss information?
7.Where do you link to the blog?
8.Do you share the blog with your friends and family?
9.Do you share on social media?
10.Which platform(s) do you share the blog to?
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