AFI is hoping to resume therapy services in the very near future. As a staff person, we’re asking for your feedback as we determine how to provide therapy in a way that is safe and effective. We understand the concerns that come with the Coronavirus situation and we want to hear from you. Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey and we look forward to seeing you again very soon.

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* 1. If safety measures are in place when AFI reopens in the near future, do you plan to return to work the week of May 4th?

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* 2. Good hygiene is important to stop the spread of Coronavirus. AFI has put in place strict measures regarding hand washing and surface sanitizing. Staff will be provided hand sanitizer for to use during therapy, as well as disinfectant to use for their vehicle before and after each therapy session. Each time you and your participant enter the center location you both will be required to wash your hands. If a child refuses to wash their hands and practice good hygiene they put themselves and others at risk. If they refuse to follow this hand washing requirement they cannot continue therapy and must return home for the day. Do you agree with these precautions and the handwashing requirement?

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* 3. We will continue to limit the number of people that can gather together in buildings and group settings. What group therapy size are your comfortable participating in once we reopen?

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* 4. Many of the usual therapy locations in the community are temporarily closed (playgrounds, libraries, stores, etc). We plan to utilize our center locations on a limited basis, along with parks, nature walks, and other open spaces. Do you have any suggestions of locations where therapy can occur while practicing social distancing?

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* 5. AFI is in the process of acquiring Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Should staff be REQUIRED to wear PPE (face mask, gloves, etc) if it is available?