CWI Provider Review Question Title * 1. Full Name Question Title * 2. Email Address Question Title * 3. What elements should be covered in a bouldering orientation? Height Limits Down climbing Falling techniques Hazards unique to the facility The limitations of bouldering flooring Bouldering etiquette and terminology How routes and difficulty are marked Question Title * 4. What elements should an auto belay orientation include? Which routes are appropriate to climb with the auto belay Limits of the auto belay How to double check the connection to the harness How to use the belay gate and clip in and out of the lanyard Risks that are unique to auto belays Test for the proper operation of the auto belay What to do if not clipped in Question Title * 5. When training a CWI on your gym's top rope policies and practices, what areas of discussion will ensure that the CWI meets the CWA's minimum standards? To double wrap belay bar or not How to conduct belay orientations and proficiency tests Weight differences – whether to use an anchor How to maintain control of the brake strand when belaying How to use a gri gri with left hand Unique hazards to your facility How to learn about manufacturer's instructions for use of climbing equipment Question Title * 6. When training a CWI on your gym's lead policies and practices, what areas of discussion will ensure that the CWI meets the CWA's minimum standards? Additional equipment and techniques Changes in belay practice for lead belay How to use additional equipment or anchors for weight differences Clipping & clipping stances How to identify a leader's ability to assess risk while climbing or belaying How a leaders risk tolerance can impact overall risk in the facility Question Title * 7. What are the advantages of only allowing assisted braking devices for lead climbing? Prevent ground falls Reduces the amount of force needed by the brake hand Reduces the amount of rope that slips through a brake device during a fall Allows the belayer to release the brake hand when necessary List at least one other advantage Question Title * 8. What are the disadvantages of only allowing assisted braking devices for lead climbing? Climbers may have a false sense of security Climbers are less prepared for traditional climbing outdoors They are more expensive Feeding slack while clipping can be a more complex skill to learn List at least one other disadvantage Question Title * 9. Would you have CWI candidates demonstrate that they can belay with both passive and active belay devices? Please explain your answer. Question Title * 10. What is the purpose of impact attenuating surfaces in a climbing gym? To prevent climbers from sustaining any injury To reduce the forces of a fall on the body when bouldering To create a flat and even surface for the climber to land on To increase the height that someone can climb without ropes Question Title * 11. What duties have risks that are unique to CWI Providers? Assessment of new CWI Candidates Assisting in creating a climbing facility's policies Evaluating risk in a climbing facility Staying informed of industry trends Question Title * 12. What are some strategies to mitigate the risks to a CWI provider? Use CWI course tools such as the student manual and assessment tool Follow written policies and standards Prioritize risks Ensure that candidates meets all prerequisites Retain accurate candidate and course records Have CWI candidates demonstrate understanding of their professional obligations and CWA standards Question Title * 13. What are some observations you can make when assessing a CWI candidate's professionalism, teaching, and communication skills? The candidate's engagement throughout the course The questions the candidate asks How patient the candidate is with other people The candidate employs different types of teaching approaches The candidate actively listens to other participants The candidate's ability to assess risk Question Title * 14. What are the benefits of having well defined learning outcomes for a CWI certification course? You have a framework for assessment You can prioritize your time during the course Expectations are communicated to the students You can plan which areas of the facility to use more easily You can outline your curriculum to cultivate mastery You can assess your own success as an instructor Question Title * 15. What should you review during an exit interview? Knowledge of CWI program standards Climbing and belay competency The candidate's degree of professionalism Ability to identify, prioritize, and manage risk Ability to teach climbing and belaying to new climbers Question Title * 16. When giving feedback, what are key things to remember? Use positive language Be willing to have difficult conversations Provide immediate constructive actionable feedback Make it a two way conversation Provide specific examples Reinforce positive performance Question Title * 17. How are you monitoring industry trends? Subscribe to indoor climbing oriented publications and newsletters Learn about manufacturer's new products Talk to other industry professionals Review the latest standards relevant to your facility Attend continuing education or certification opportunities Other (please specify) Question Title * 18. What are some techniques you would use to maintain calm in an intense conversation and help de-escalate the situation? Breathe and relax Observe the situation through the other party's eyes Find common ground Really listen Cultivate trust Use humor and positive language Done