Question Title

* 1. Name of Organization, Ministry or Family wanting to use FCC facilities

Question Title

* 2. Contact Information

Question Title

* 3. Ministry Mission / Reason for Event

Question Title

* 4. Requested Dates


Question Title

* 5. Set Up Day Needed?

Question Title

* 6. Will this be an ongoing ministry meeting or event?

Question Title

* 7. Request Building/Rooms (check all that apply to your needs)

Question Title

* 8. Please enter what you need for tables and chairs.

Question Title

* 9. Sound/Tech Equipment Request

Question Title

* 10. Approximate Number of Guests Expected

0 350
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 11. For FCC Ministry Events, would you like this announced in the FCC Spirit of Faith Newsletter?

Question Title

* 12. Will food be served?

Question Title

* 13. Please read this agreement and select "I agree" to submit this Facility Request Form for approval.

I understand and agree to pay the appropriate fees ($75) for non-ministry functions. I agree to compensate the Sound/AV and Custodian in addition to the fee for their time and expertise. (Suggested amounts are $100 each, depending on the event) I agree to supervise all activities held on the FCC campus and will make sure the facilities are only used for the above stated purpose. I will take full responsibility to make sure the premises are left clean and that everything is replaced to where it was found. I will remove all trash my event creates and place in dumpster. IF my event is cancelled, I will contact the church office immediately.

Question Title

* 14. Enter Name to Sign