Business and SME lending requirements survey

This survey will help St. Canice's Credit Union to develop a lending product and service for local business. We appreciate your help in providing us with feedback and we will endeavour to make good use of all the information we receive.

The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete, thank you again for your time.

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* 1. Name of your Business

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* 2. Contact Details: If you feel comfortable in doing so please enter your name, email, phone number and website. We will only contact you if you indicate you would like to hear from us.

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* 4. Does your business currently carry debt?

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* 5. If ‘Yes’, who are your lending partners?

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* 6. Are you satisfied with your current business banking and access to finance arrangements?

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* 7. What areas of support do you believe a financial institution could provide your business at this time?

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* 8. Have you ever considered borrowing from St. Canice’s Credit Union for Business purposes?

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* 9. If ‘No’, can you tell us why not?

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* 10. How Easy do you think it is to borrow from St. Canice’s Credit Union?

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* 11. If your business was to borrow in the future, how quickly would you expect loan approval?

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* 12. Please list the products and services you would like to see offered by St. Canice’s Credit Union for business

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* 13. What financial frustrations do you face that you would like St. Canice’s Credit Union to help you with? Please rank in order of importance 1 to 6, with 1 most important and 6 least important to you.

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* 14. Is there a finance need that you feel is not being provided in the market by bank or non-bank providers at present?

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* 15. What would you value most in your dealing with a financial institution as a business owner? Please rank in order of importance 1 to 5, with 1 most important and 5 least important to you.

  1. Ease of access to large breadth of services
  2. Best value for money (Level of charges and/or loan rates)
  3. Quality and speed of service
  4. That the institution has expert business knowledge & advice available to me
  5. That the institution understands my specific business needs

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* 16. How would you like St. Canice’s Credit Union to engage or communicate with your business? Please rank in order of preference 1 to 5, with 1 most preferred and 5 least preferred.

  1. In Person at the counter
  2. Phone
  3. Website / web chat
  4. Email
  5. Social Media

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* 17. What Day/Time best suits to engage with us on financial matters?

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* 18. If you were to borrow in the future, how would you prefer to apply for a loan? Select one of;

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* 19. Do you have a business need for borrowing over the next 12 to 18 months? Yes/No

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* 20. If ‘Yes’, What is you borrowing need?

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* 21. If ‘No’, What is the main reason for not borrowing into 2023?

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* 22. What does St. Canice’s Credit Union need to deliver to be your business loan provider of choice? 

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* 23. Would you be interested in St. Canice's contacting you in future about our services?

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* 24. Would you like to share anything further with us regarding business needs to inform St. Canice’s Credit Union in developing a meaningful and sustainable business offering?

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* 25. Would you be interested in taking part in a Focus Group to help shape further our SME offering to ensure it meets the needs of our business community?

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* 26. Canice’s Credit Union offer ‘CU Easy Pay’, a point of sale offering that allows business customers finance purchases, you get paid directly and the customer can make purchases in an affordable, convenient and easy manner. Would you like to hear more about this service

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* 27. Canice’s Credit Union offer company employees access to our wide range of personal services through our ‘CU in the workplace’ offering. Would you like to hear more about this service?